Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Immigration in the U.S.A.

  • If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.
  • If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.
  • If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.
  • If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.
  • If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.
  • If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.
  • If you cross the Mexican borders illegally you will jailed for two years.
  • If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.
  • If you cross the United States border illegally you get:
  1. A job
  2. A driver's license
  3. A Social Security card
  4. Welfare
  5. Food stamps
  6. Credit cards
  7. Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
  8. Free education
  9. Free health care
  10. A lobbyist in Washington
  11. Billions of dollars in public documents printed in your language
  12. Millions of servicemen and women who are willing to - and do - die for your right to the ways and means of our @#$%----ution
  13. And the right to carry the flag of your country - the one you walked out on - while you call America racist and protest that you don't get enough respect.


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